Friday, May 27, 2011

119. If I lived in the US…

A Moldavian once told me that if she lived in the US she would never leave the country for a vacation.  She said that the US is huge and we have deserts, mountains and everything in between.  This statement reminded me of just how blessed I am in that aspect, the conversation also reminded me that there are a lot of places I have not visited in the US. 

While Moldova is a beautiful country with rolling green hills, it is around a third of the side of the State of Ohio so eventually you could see it all.  I am sure in my two years in Moldova I will not see even half of the important sites.  If you stay in the country, from the center of the country the furthest border crossing is 5 hours away.  It is nice to be in the US where you can drive for hours without showing a passport.

When it comes to leaving the country, to my knowledge, Moldavians can only visit the Ukraine and Russia without a visa.  Many Moldavians have reminded me that when the Soviet Union was in power they were able to move about the Soviet Union with ease.

Many in Moldova have the dream of joining the European Union, which will open up the potential to travel.  I think it is possible, but it will take a little time to bring the economy up the European Union par.


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