Wednesday, August 11, 2010

34. Name Change

So, growing up my name was Timothy.  Only a select few people could call me anything other than Timothy.  By the age of 12 or so, I changed my name to Tim when I introduced myself to any new friends.  So if someone calls me Timothy, they are either family or have known me since before I was 12 years old.

Well, I now think I am going to change my name again.  The people in my new village have difficulty understanding that my name is Tim.  Maybe it is because I am nervous and say it fast or because the name Tim is not used in Moldova.

So I have decided to go back to introducing myself as Timothy, but not like we say it in English, but how they say it in Romanian:  Timotei.  Timotei sounds like 'Tim-o-fey' or 'Tim-o-tey' depending on who is says it.

I just think it will be easier on everyone, and so I stop getting the, "Tim? O.... Timotei".  Maybe with my amazing linguistical skills I will be able to fool them all into thinking I am Moldavian.....well, maybe one day.


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