Tuesday, January 18, 2011

80. What is ‘American’ Music?

My host dad and I have had a discussion about music. He says that it is easy to see what popular Moldavian music (what I would call traditional/folk) is. You can see people in traditional costumes singing on TV almost daily and at festivals.

He asked what American traditional music is. I did not have a good answer for him. The music America listens to a fairly diverse range of music. I would say the most “American” or cultural/unique music would be country, folk, or bluegrass music.

It is interesting to hear some of the “traditional” songs of Moldova. It is cool because young and old people know the songs; I believe they learned them in school. Are there any songs in the USA than the majority of the population knows? Maybe songs like Yankee Doodle Dandy or Amazing Grace? If so, would that be a traditional American song?


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