Thursday, January 19, 2012

190. Die of hunger

The organizations I work with operates a computer lab.  Since more and more people have computers and the Internet in their homes the computer lab is having difficulty making ends meet.  Besides the Internet, games, and Skype we also offer printing, scanning and take passport photos.

The operator of the computer lab opens up the lab at 3pm and closes it at 10pm.  He is a high school student so he cannot open it any earlier.  We are currently doing a test to see in by me opening the lab earlier if our income will increase.

I volunteered to open up the lab every weekday from 11am to 3pm.  After a month or so, if it was beneficial, we will try to find someone who wants the job of opening up the lab earlier.  I do not know what will happen, the lab is generally just used by students but with the longer hours we could make more money through printing, scanning and taking photos.

I have worked in the lab now for five days, I really do not mind it and it is good to get to know more of the students in the village.  The worst part is that my host family thinks that I am going to die of hunger on Tuesday and Thursdays.  On those days I leave the house at about 10:30am, work in the lab until 3pm, and then I have Romanian lessons for two hours and do not get home until after 5pm.

Now, I pack myself a lunch but I do not think my host family trusts me to pack enough food.  The tradition in Moldova is that you have soup at every lunch, so they think I am unhealthy since I do not get a bowl of soup and because I eat an apple and a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


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