Tuesday, January 17, 2012

188. Girls' Hair

My host parent’s grandchildren came to visit for the holiday season.  We had a three year old boy and three girls that are five, nine and fourteen years old.

One day at the dinner table my host mom and the granddaughters were talking about hairstyles.  The discussion started because someone remarked that the grandson needs a haircut, which then started a discussion about women’s hairstyles.  My host mom was saying how it is currently popular to have hair covering part of the face but she did not like it.  The girls said that the style was no longer trendy and now long hair was popular.

My host mom then made the point that simple hairstyles that could be pulled back were beautiful and functional.  She then said, “All the girls that have visited Tim from Germany and other countries had simple and practical hairstyles that were very nice.”

Of course, both of my host nieces gave me the look of - you have lots of female visitors, huh?  I was not even in the conversation but the joke was on me.  And no mom, they were just friends.


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