Wednesday, January 11, 2012

186. In the Middle of the Night

Generally I come home at around 7 at night.  It is dark when I get home.  I have a little light on my phone and since there is generally no one walking around in my neighborhood I might talk to myself, hum or sing as I walk to my house.

The other day I had just came up the hill turned the corner and was about 25 yards away from my house.  With my phone light in hand I am paying attention to the ground to make sure I do not fall or step in horse dung and I see some human feet in front of me.  I do not know if they noticed, but I jumped.  I then see that it was my neighbor hanging in the road outside of her house saying goodbye to her boyfriend. 

I am guessing that they were so embarrassed that I caught them making that they did not notice that I jumped when I saw them.


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