Monday, April 18, 2011

105. Cultural and Business Exchange

In January five Moldovans who own a pasta processing company from the village where I live visited the USA.  I thought it would be a great opportunity for them to see up close the production, cleanliness, marketing, sales and quality control aspects/requirements of US food production companies.  After my third year of college I worked at the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) as a contractor for the Food Export Association and because of those contacts at the ODA this program was possible due to their help and planning.

The Moldovans were in Ohio for less than three days and two nights.  They were able to visit the ODA and hear about how the ODA supports and monitors food production activities in the State of Ohio.  They were also able to visit a flour milling, breakfast cereal, pasta and a corn chip manufacturing companies.  As an unplanned bonus, they were able to visit my uncle’s 500 acre grain and 3,000 hog finishing operation.

During the two nights that the Moldovans were able to spend in Ohio they stayed with my family.  They prepared a traditional Moldovan meal and were able to meet a few of my aunts, uncles, a great aunt, parents and sibling.

From what I hear it went very well.  It has been exciting to see the improvements and ideas for the pasta company that has been born because of this visit.  The milling company in Ohio enjoyed the visit from the Moldovans enough to take the time to mail a baseball cap to their visitors.


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