Tuesday, March 22, 2011

100. What is your hobby?

Me:  Is this money from Turkey (they country)? *Showing the coin I found on the floor to my host father*.
Host dad:  Yes.
Most Mom:  Aaron (first volunteer that stayed with my host family) collected coins from all over the world.
Host dad:  He had money from Poland, Germany, Israel, Turkey and others.
Host mom:  What is your hobby?
Me:  Well… I have a little coin collection from every country I have been too and…
Host dad:  Tim’s hobby is people watching, mostly beautiful women.
Me:  Well, I do enjoy that, but…

I do not like the question, “What are your hobbies?” even in English.  I never know how to respond, I work, sleep, eat, waste time on the computer and that might be all some days.


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