Monday, April 30, 2012

208. Water

This winter started out very mild, but then it became very cold.  Generally the weather in Moldova is similar to Ohio.  But this year there was multiple days in a row that were below freezing, even down to -20F.  It was so cold that they shut off the 'city water' because they were worried about the pipes freezing.  In February and March we did not have water for 5 weeks, all of our water came from the well in front of our house.

I have never missed water so much.  It was hard to wash cloths and the dishes.

Now, our water has a black tint... I do not know if there are related or if something else is wrong with the water.  I also do not know what made it turn black, but it does not smell different.


candango said...

You might want to report this to PC Hqs in Chisinau and ask to have the Embassy doctor have the water tested. Just because it does not smell does not guarantee that there are no problems.

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