Monday, December 5, 2011

175. What's that taste?

Every time I eat an egg over-easy or sunny-side-up there is some unique taste that I could not quite put my finger on.  It was kind of an earthy taste, not really bad, but something that I was not use too.

At first I thought that it was because I had never eaten farm fresh eggs or maybe that is what they taste like when the chickens just eat corn and squash.  Then I thought maybe it was because the outside of the egg was not washed well, but I figured that was a dumb idea and that they would probable taste worse that ‘earthy’.

I then figured out what the mystery taste was… sunflower seed oil.  I have written before about how sunflower seed oil is the main oil used in Moldova and how my host father has an oil press (see post).  I realized that this ‘earthy’ taste did taste like sunflower seeds and because the oil was made at home and was not processed or filtered the taste is not quite as refined.

As the photo shows, the oil is not filtered or processed, so all of the imperfections settle to the bottom.  Now that I know where the taste comes from, I cannot really image eggs without that taste… well, I guess I can imagine eggs fried in bacon grease.


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