Tuesday, February 8, 2011

88. Why are you wearing glasses?

I have been playing volleyball two nights a week since Christmas at an open gym at the local school. There are a lot of high school age kids as well as some adults. One of the teachers from the school was there and has told me twice it is dangerous to play with my glasses on. The last conversation went something like this:

Woman: Why do you wear your glasses while playing?
*I look around and notice no one else is wearing glasses*
Me: I cannot see without my glasses.
Woman: It is dangerous to wear them while playing. *Makes a motion with her hands showing the glasses breaking into my eyes*
Me: It is strong glasses (I mean to say: they are strong glasses). They will not rip (couldn’t think of the word ‘break’). It is more dangerous for me to play without glasses.
Woman: *shakes her head and goes back to her seat*


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