Monday, December 5, 2011

177. What's on your hand?

My three year old host nephew who has been living with us for the last few weeks because his parents have recently become very busy with work.  While at times it is difficult to have a young child in the house, most of the time it is a lot of fun.  He is always full of energy and has many questions.  He always greets me when I come home from work and enjoys sitting next to my while I am working on my computer, listening to music or watching a video.  While his Romanian pronunciation is not always the best, he does help improve my language skills.

The other day we were sitting down to eat dinner and he saw that I had some writing on my hand:

Host Nephew (HN):  Tim, Tim, Tim
Me:  Yes.
HN:  Look, what, what *he was excited and starting to stutter, then he jumps out of his chair runs over to me and grabs my hand* what do you have on your hand?
Me:  I wrote on my hand.
HN:  Why?
Me:  Because I want to remember stuff that I have to do for these people.
HN:  Why?
Me:  I have to do work and do not want to forget.
HN:  O.  My dad does the same thing.

I talked with his dad, and it is true that he also makes notes on his hand.


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