Friday, September 16, 2011

155. Nebraska?

When I see the photo above, which was taken in Moldova, I think of Nebraska.  Ohio has some irrigated fields, but mostly for vegetables not field crops (corn, soybeans, wheat).  While I was in Nebraska I saw a lot of irrigation systems and asked a lot of questions about why they were used and how they worked since I have had little experience with irrigation systems.

During the Soviet Union times irrigation was a common practice in my area of and throughout Moldova.  In the southeast corner of Moldova, where I live, they used to grow mostly tomatoes and cucumbers to supply the Soviet Union.  After the Soviet Union collapsed the water pumping stations became too expensive to use, so for the last 20 years the majority of irrigation pipes and pumping stations have been unused or dismantled.  In my village there are irrigation systems that are stationary and still in the field which the farmers plow around.  I would guess that there is not a demand for the irrigation systems and the scrap metal is not worth the work, but I am not sure.


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