Wednesday, November 3, 2010

55. Ziua Națională a Vinului (National Wine Day)

If you would like to experience a hobby and/or business for many Moldavians you should try to visit in early October. This year from the 9th to the 10th of October was a national wine celebration in Chisinau. It was much like a jazz festival, food fair or art festival in the United State, except it was focused on Moldavian wine.

The festival is a mixture of tourist attraction, a way to attract foreign investment and a showcase of the wine Moldova has to offer. There was also a lot of food and crafts. Unfortunately it was a pretty cold and rainy weekend, which made it pretty miserable. I was only there for an hour to snap some pictures and see what it was all about because I wanted to go to the circus.

I am hoping next year it is nicer so I can more fully experience the wine festival. It looked pretty cool and there was a lot of work and money that went into this two-day celebration.


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